How Long Does a Mattress Last? #5 Sign You Need Mattress Replacement

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Written By Jim Thomas

I am Jim Thomas and I am the editor of this blog. The sole purpose of this blog is to help people make an informed decision rather investing in a wrong Mattress.

How long does a mattress lasts?Mattresses have a lifespan and need replacement if you are to get the best sleeping environment. There are different types of mattresses like Tempurpedic, memory foam, latex and other types with different lifespan. On average, mattresses take between seven to ten years with many experts recommending a replacement after seven years.

All in all, a review of the different mattress types will be of great help as far as mattress replacement is concerned.

How Often Do You Need Mattress Replacement?

Just like with most products, it is not just fair but necessary that a mattress is replaced after it has served its maximum possible time. If you thought that the mattress you are about to buy will serve you your lifetime, maybe you are wrong.

There will come a time when you will need to replace it. The question is how often should you change your mattress? There is no certain duration of time or standard period followed to change the mattresses. This is because different people use mattresses in different ways and different frequencies thus the difference in the span of their mattresses.

#5 Signs You Need Mattress Replacement

Below are clear signs that you need to replace your mattress:

  1. When you wake up with body pains, numbness, stiffness and/or aches
  2. You feel tired even after a full night sleep
  3. You enjoy sleeping elsewhere such as in a hotel than in your bed.
  4. Mattress sags rip off, tears, stained, damaged or shows other visible indications of overuse
  5. Your mattress is between seven and ten years old

How long does a pillow top mattress last?

How long does a pillow top mattress last?

Even though it is recommended that you replace your mattress averagely after around seven to ten years, mattresses such as the top pillow mattress may take a shorter span, especially if not well taken care of.

A pillow-top mattress features an extra soft cushioning layer that is attached to the surface of the mattress. It, therefore, requires more specialized care and attention lest it breaks down before seven years. A frequent switch up of the pressure points will extend the life of these mattresses. Also, ensure to constantly protect the cushy top and keep it always clean.

To enable it to go for at least seven years, periodically vacuum the mattress to remove skin flakes, dust mites, and other debris. The vacuum pump will also pump the cushy pillow mattress top-up. Also, flip the mattress after every three months and rotating it 180 degrees at least once a month.

Depending on a person’s size & weight, the number of people using the bed and the protection and maintenance measures put in place by the owners, the pillow-top mattresses can last between four and seven years.

How Long Should You Keep a Tempurpedic Mattress?

The main feature of a mattress design is the density. The same density is also the main factor responsible for the durability of these mattresses. These mattresses feature billions of open cells together with tiny balloons having large holes and within them.

It is important to understand that the denser the foam, the more cells therein in the mattress. Tempurpedic is known to come with high densities of about 5.34 pounds/ft3.

High-density Tempurpedic foam comprises of a couple of billions of cells that are tightly packed close to each other thus the heavy mass characterized with these foams. On the contrary, other low-density foams have fewer cells.

Air is attracted and repulsed faster within the cells of the low-density foams than the high-density ones. The high-density Tempurpedic cells suffer less strain hence lasts longer than the common low-density foams. It is not uncommon to find these mattresses serving their full ten year period.

Read in detail about Tempurpedic Mattress: How long does a tempurpedic mattress last?

How long should a memory foam mattress last?

Mattresses get old just like any other thing. The question is whether there is a lifespan over which a foam mattress will last. There is no straightforward answer to such a question. Lifespan completely depends on how you care for your foam mattress will determine its lifespan. Other than the maintenance, the quality of material used to make the mattress will also matter a great deal.

On average, Memory Foam mattresses last longer than the average lifespan of a mattress as they are capable of lasting up to between ten to fifteen years.

However, even though they can last this long, the rule of the thumb still remains that if you want to get the optimum sleeping environment, a seven-year limit should not be exceeded before you think of acquiring a new mattress. Needless to say, memory foam mattresses are some of the most durable mattresses the market has to offer.

Read in detail about Memory Foam Mattress: How long do memory foam mattresses last?

How long does a box spring last?

How long does a box spring last?

The lifespan of a box spring depends on the original construction. However, on average, the box spring is just the most durable type of mattress as it is capable of existing for up to 20 years or even more. The market provides poor quality box springs as well as the high-quality box springs to choose from. With some being made of wood to attract a cheap retail price, the highest quality ones meet quality standards.

To know if your box spring is bad and needs replacement, you need to answer the following questions:

  • Has my box spring started squeaking?
  • Is it bowed or sagged?
  • Are its coils more than 10yrs old?
  • Does it have loose or broken springs?
  • Is its steel grid broken or bent?

If any of your answers to the above questions is yes, then it is a high time you need to replace your box spring. In Review, do you have a mattress that sags, torn, rips off or has a depression? Or do you always enjoy sleeping in a hotel but wake up tired, with a stiff body, pain, and/or aches when you sleep in your bed? Or has your mattress lasted more than seven years?

Then it is a high time you need to replace your mattress and maintain that great sleep environment you had been enjoying ever since.

Average Life of a Mattress

The rule of the thumb is that a mattress needs replacement once signs of wear and tear are seen or when it works no more. The same principle you use on your worn pair of shoes will be applied here as well.

Once you feel that the mattress is depriving you of the much-needed comfort and your body no longer gets the support it has been getting earlier on, it is an indication that the bells for changing the mattresses have ringed.

Needless, to say, after about seven to ten years, most mattresses always exhibit the characteristics of a mattress that needs replacement. After these years, the mattress will sag and form a depression, mostly at the center.

The mattress will also show visible signs of wear, tear and rip off. Whoever uses a mattress that has lasted over seven years will most likely wake up the following morning with a stiff body, pains on the ribs and body aches, not forgetting fatigue even if they slept for the recommended eight hours every day.

After seven years, you probably will be enjoying your nights at the resort than in your bed hence the need to replace your mattress when it is seven to ten years old.

If your mattress is already exhausted and you are looking for replacements, then read the following articles:

Best Inexpensive Mattress – 5 Affordable Choices For You

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