When Is Baby Too Big For Bassinet?-Easy Solution Steps

As new parents, we want nothing but the best for our newborn baby. However, we sometimes have little to no idea about taking care of a baby, even for the simplest things such as bassinets. Bassinets are small beds specifically designed for babies that feature railings or walls to keep the newborn safe and secure. However, there is more to bassinets aside from being a small bed and there are several things to consider when choosing one. Taking this into consideration, here is a quick introduction and guide about bassinets and how parents should choose and use them.

When Is Baby Too Big For Bassinet

When is a baby too big for a bassinet?

As time pass by, you might notice that your baby is starting to outgrow their bassinet. While it may be confusing to realize that your baby is a lot bigger than two to three months ago, it is important for parents to acknowledge that there is a need to change and get a bigger bassinet for their kid. But how do you exactly know if your baby is too big for their current bassinet?

Types of bassinets

Bassinets are small beds designed for newborn babies. However, bassinets are different from a crib. Generally, bassinets are used as a temporary and mobile sleeping space that allows parents to close to them when needed while the baby is still comfortable and protected. There are several types of bassinets based on their design and purpose – the traditional bassinet, the moving bassinet, and the portable bassinet.

Traditional bassinets are those that feature a tall frame and a soft snug-fitting mattress that you can use to keep your baby. Portable bassinets are those made with lightweight material or those that come with wheels for you to simply push the bassinet around with you. Lastly, a moving bassinet is designed to allow slight movement that you can use to cradle and lull your baby to sleep like a cradle.

Bassinet Weight and Age Limit

One of the first things that you should look into when it comes to changing bassinets is your little one’s current weight and age. Generally, bassinets have a weight limit of about 20 to 25 lbs. designated for your baby’s safety. While some bassinets seem strong and durable enough to last a couple more months, it is important to realize that it is the safety and comfort of your baby that should be a top priority. Other brands also have age limits for their bassinets, indicating the ideal length or duration you should be using the bassinet. The most typical duration is about 3 to 4 months only.

When Is Baby Too Big For Bassinet


Another pressing indication that your baby should be moving out of a bassinet is when they are able to roll over, sit, or stand on their own, as such movement can pose a notable risk for the baby. Bassinets are basically beds designed to be a safe and comfortable place only for babies who sleep on their backs.

Size Limit

While not every brand indicates a size limit for their bassinets, it is important to consider your baby’s size in relation to their comfort in the bassinet. While your baby can still technically fit in the bassinet, it is possible that their size relative to the bassinet could lead them to bump their heads or bend their legs that wouldn’t be comfortable in the long run. Consider changing to a bigger bassinet if you notice your baby is too close to all sides of the bassinet.


While bassinets are a safe and secure place for our babies to nap, it is our responsibility as parents to ensure that the bassinets are up to their standards to perform as needed. Hopefully, this article provided you with enough information about the factors to consider when it is time to change bassinets or move to a crib completely.

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